Software Testing Blog

SAP Testing: An Overview for Busy Teams

Written by René Ceelen | November 13, 2023

Summary: This article discusses the significance of comprehensive testing in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications, specifically using SAP as an example, to ensure business continuity, data integrity, and quality assurance while providing an overview of five key types of SAP testing and best practices for successful ERP testing.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications such as SAP are like the nervous system running through an organization. These applications let teams integrate all of their business processes, datasets, and custom applications to increase their efficiency, decision-making, and productivity.

With so many core functions and business operations influenced by, flowing through, and originating from these enterprise applications, performing comprehensive testing is critical to operational success.

Whether your organization is in the early stages of planning for an ERP implementation or you’re a quality assurance professional wanting to bolster your enterprise application testing acumen, here’s a quick guide using SAP testing as an example.

Why Enterprise Application Testing Cannot Be Taken Lightly

ERP implementations are known for lengthy timelines, big budgets, and an all-hands-on-deck approach to design and implementation. They are also known for large cost overruns, misconfigured processes, and slipping deadlines

Organizations can mitigate these risks with a number of key steps, such as planning carefully, consistently engaging stakeholders, and leveraging implementation best practices. Unfortunately, testing often gets shortchanged when the pressure rises. 

Deciding to conduct abbreviated testing can lead to a number of post-implementation issues. That’s because ERP testing is critical to key processes, including:

Ensuring Business Continuity

ERP testing ensures business continuity by minimizing disruptions in critical processes during and after cut-over, thereby preventing financial losses, operational pauses, and customer service issues.

Maintaining Data Integrity and Security

ERP testing helps organizations maintain the accuracy and confidentiality of data and defend it against accidental leakage or security vulnerabilities. In addition to cybersecurity risks, this helps to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements such as the GDPR.

Conducting Quality Assurance

Employees need to be able to trust that the data and processes they are interacting with are working properly. Being able to deliver a reliable and high-performing SAP system can both enhance user satisfaction and boost productivity.

Confirming a System Is Battle-Tested

ERP systems need to be able to perform on day one. Thorough testing puts native and custom configurations and workflows, generated reports, and integrations to the test before the application becomes the system of record.

The 5 Key Types of SAP Testing to Conduct

So how can your organization ensure that it is conducting the right types and amount of ERP testing? Here are the five key types of SAP testing to include in your project planning:

1. Functional Testing

Ensuring the success of SAP implementations involves extensive functional testing, which verifies critical business processes and transactions specific to SAP modules. This testing is crucial for confirming that the system behaves as expected, which will build confidence in the software's capability to handle complex business operations.

2. Integration Testing

When implementing SAP, integration testing is paramount. It focuses on testing the interactions between various SAP modules and external systems to uncover any data inconsistencies or communication issues. Identifying and fixing integration problems is essential for ensuring a seamless flow of information and processes within and outside the SAP environment.

3. Performance Testing

In SAP implementations, performance testing plays a pivotal role in assessing the system's responsiveness, scalability, and ability to handle varying loads. It also helps identify and mitigate potential bottlenecks that could hinder SAP's efficiency, ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience even during peak usage.

4. Security Testing

The security of SAP implementations is always a top priority, and security testing is crucial for assessing vulnerabilities and access control mechanisms specific to SAP. This testing ensures that sensitive data is protected, compliance requirements are met, and the SAP system remains resilient against potential security threats, safeguarding the organization's critical information.

5. Regression Testing

SAP implementations often involve regular updates and changes. Regression testing is vital for detecting unintended side effects of these modifications, ensuring the stability and reliability of the SAP system. It helps organizations maintain consistency in their SAP environment while continuously improving and enhancing its functionality.

The SAP Testing Best Practices You Need to Know

So how does your organization go from theory to practice to get the most out of your SAP testing? Here are the ERP testing best practices your team needs to be familiar with:

  • Comprehensive test planning: Establish clear objectives and scope for testing, including the creation of a comprehensive test strategy considering all testing areas and operational constraints. This should include the 5 W's and How of your ERP testing approach.

  • Test data management: Use realistic and diverse test datasets that replicate actual production data that will be flowing through your SAP system. Pair this with testing environments that replicate realistic features and workflows that testers will ultimately see in production.

  • Test automation: Streamline QA by automating repetitive and critical test cases, employing test automation frameworks.

  • Collaboration and communication: Engage key stakeholders from beginning to end, and regularly in between. Involving stakeholders in planning, testing, and module sign-off promotes collaboration and builds buy-in for a system before go-live.

  • Test management tools: Enhance testing efficiency with leading test management tools, such as TestMonitor, that make test run design, test case storage, and schedule management intuitive and efficient. For example, TestMonitor lets your team use built-in reports and customizable dashboards to simplify communication and maintain testing schedules.

Bringing It All Together

There’s no doubt that ERP implementations are stressful times for organizations. But planning thoroughly, promoting collaboration, and leveraging leading edge-testing tools can make the experience more productive, constructive, and engaging.

More importantly for QA professionals, by performing thorough SAP testing, organizations can not only mitigate operational impacts during development and implementation but also uncover potential system defects, configuration errors, or data inconsistencies early in the implementation process before they cause disruptions to critical business processes.

Want to take your quality assurance and software testing approach to the next level? Take a moment to reach out to the TestMonitor team to schedule your own 14-day free trial.