Happier Testing Assessment
Assess and optimize your software testing processes with our assessment, designed to measure testing effectiveness for software testers and their teams.

1. Complete the assessment

2. Receive tailored feedback

3. Share with your colleagues
Let's start with some background info.
Gathering a little background information will help us better understand your software testing team's context and needs.
What is your job or role?
Test Manager
IT Project Manager
QA Manager
Release Manager
What industry do you work in?
Banking & Financial Services
Government / Public Sector
Media & Entertainment
Software & Technology
Social Services and Non-Profit
Manufacturing and Supply Chain
What continent are you on?
North America
South America
How many members of your team are involved in QA (test engineers, testers, etc)?
1 to 5 people
6 to 10 people
11 to 25 people
26 to 50 people
51 - 100 people
More than 100 people
Please answer all questions to continue.
Let’s talk about software quality.
In this section, we delve into your team's overall approach to software quality.
Our company sets clear and prioritized software quality objectives and goals.
We have effective processes and methodologies in place to ensure software quality throughout the development lifecycle.
Effective communication and collaboration exists between our development and quality assurance teams.
We often come across bugs in our live software.
Software defects are promptly addressed and tracked in our bug tracking and resolution processes.
We have established metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure and monitor software quality.
We actively gather feedback from end-users or customers to improve software quality.
Please answer all questions to continue.
Next up is testing maturity.
In this section, we ask about your team's test maturity level, assessing the depth and effectiveness of your software testing processes, methodologies, and framework.
Our company always sticks to proven testing methods or frameworks.
We continually evaluate ways to evolve or adapt our software testing processes to improve efficiency and/or effectiveness.
We successfully implement and utilize test automation in our testing process.
We often fail to effectively document and communicate test objectives and requirements.
Test planning and test case design are effectively executed.
Appropriate tools and technologies are used for test management, execution, and defect tracking.
Test coverage is accurately measured and tracked using relevant metrics.
The process for test environment setup and test data management is well-structured and efficient.
The development and testing teams actively engage in effective communication and collaboration.
Testing is seamlessly integrated within the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.
Test reporting and result analysis are consistently conducted to gain valuable insights.
The process for bug triaging, prioritization, and resolution is well-defined and consistently followed.
Please answer all questions to continue.
Finally, let’s explore your work environment.
In this last section, we focus on the work settings and team culture within your software testing environment.
There is a strong culture of quality and continuous improvement within the organization.
Our entire team feels welcome, connected, and appreciated.
Effective communication and collaboration exists between all interacting team members and the organization as a whole.
Your team is provided with the necessary resources, tools, and equipment to effectively organize and support their testing efforts.
There are clear goals and expectations for measuring your team's performance.
Your team often celebrates achievements and successes together.
Please answer all questions to continue.
Okay, okay. We'll wrap it up.
Thank you for completing the assessment to measure your software testing effectiveness. To provide you with personalized results and recommendations, we kindly ask you to fill out a brief form below.
How does the assessment work?
1. Complete the assessment by providing some background information and context about your organization and testing processes.
2. The assessment will analyze your responses to provide tailored feedback and recommendations, helping you measure and enhance your testing effectiveness and efficiency.
3. Share your results and the assessment link with your network to identify areas where you can support your colleagues' growth—and where you can seek advice in your own journey to happier testing.