Software Testing Blog / Quality Assurance

by René Ceelen, on May 2, 2024

In the highly competitive software development industry, delivering high-quality and fit-for-purpose software is key to building and maintaining a strong customer reputation. However, more often than not, quality assurance (QA) …

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by Thijs Kok, on May 31, 2023

There’s a lot about software testing that QA managers have control over—and a lot that they don’t. No matter how many QA test cycles they’ve navigated their team through, new …

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by Thijs Kok, on September 30, 2022

Summary: This article underscores the significance of QA testing tools in software development by highlighting the importance of accurate insights and actionable metrics, offering guidance on setting up and utilizing …

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by René Ceelen, on June 21, 2022

There’s much more to software testing than just pausing design before final delivery. In fact, it is a vital part of ensuring your product meets customer requirements and today’s security, …

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by Thijs Kok, on April 5, 2022

Summary: This article focuses on developing a structured quality assurance (QA) strategy in software development to ensure consistent standards, prevent defects, and improve overall team efficiency and performance. Table of …

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by Thijs Kok, on February 1, 2022

Summary: This article explores the differences between positive and negative testing methodologies and how a test management tool like TestMonitor can enhance and streamline testing processes for more efficient bug …

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by Thijs Kok, on October 5, 2021

Customer expectations for the depth and breadth of software are constantly evolving, posing new challenges for the software testing industry and building on the pressure to get products to market …

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by Thijs Kok, on February 22, 2021

No matter your industry, delivering products to your customers that make their jobs easier and work as expected is key to growing your brand and bolstering your reputation. A big …

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by René Ceelen, on January 5, 2021

During these chaotic times, quality assurance has never been more vital. Daily disruptions and challenges—from governmental changes to the COVID-19 pandemic to changing economic conditions around the world—demand a deeper …

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by Thijs Kok, on July 23, 2020

Quality assurance (QA) is a critical part of any quality management system. At the broadest level, quality assurance concerns setting up and sustaining rules for developing and making dependable products …

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